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Smart Parking Lots: A Guide to Video Analytics-based Parking Facilities and Guidance Systems

A deep dive into smart parking facilities, and how Isarsoft Perception helps users optimize parking lots to their full potential.


May 10, 2023

Video-analytics based Parking Guidance, via Isarsoft Perception.

What is a Smart Parking Lot?

A Smart Parking Lot, briefly speaking, is a parking facility that is digitized and runs with the help of video analytics tools, such as Isarsoft Perception. Smart parking lots are beneficial for planners and commuters alike - a concept we shall discuss in-depth throughout the course of this article.

But first, a little context. Parking lots have been around a long time. With increasing urbanization and the consequent development of roadways, parking facilities have sprung up like mushrooms along highways, in cities and towns, and as part of multi-storey structures such as residence complexes, malls, and hospitals. Despite their multiplicity, finding a parking space can be a time-consuming and often possible, ordeal.

In order to counteract this problem, software such as Isarsoft Perception can be used to optimize not just the planning and construction but also the monitoring of lot occupancy and efficiency. Having access to reliable, consistent data makes it easier for on-call personnel to optimize functions and for drivers to quickly find a spot to park in.

What is a Parking Management System (PMS)?

A Parking Management System (PMS) is responsible for operating and coordinating the many individual functions of a parking lot.

A PMS can be used as a one-stop management solution - integrated with functions that address several different domains at once - payment, entry control, traffic data and analysis, etc.

How does Isarsoft Perception optimize Parking Facilities?

The optimization of a parking facility is a multi-pronged process - it involves many simultaneous processes that ensure its smooth functioning. Here are some of the ways in which Isarsoft Perception aids the optimization of a parking lot

Occupancy Monitoring

Isarsoft Perception is configured to monitor the occupancy of parking spaces - by means of identifying and detecting vehicles and keeping a running tally. By allowing personnel and planners to get an accurate estimate of the average number of vehicles who park, the software simplifies the planning process - ensuring that factors such as space and accompanying facilities are strategically built.

Parking Lot Occupancy Monitoring
Parking Lot Occupancy Monitoring

Smart Queue Management

Have you ever stood for a disproportionately large amount of time, in line for parking? One of the primary objectives of smart parking is to treat just that - reduce the waiting times at entry and exit points of parking lots.

With video analytics-based software such as Isarsoft Perception, users can implement queue management techniques to cure parking facilities of perpetually long wait times. License Plate Recognition (LPR) can be deployed to reduce waiting time even further and create automatic, barrier free processes.

Infrastructure Development 

Isarsoft Perception can be used to assess, alter and improve the infrastructure of an existing structure. This, in turn, makes it easier for architects to design parking lots in an optimal manner - taking into account all the factors required such as signage, ample space, clear markers, ramps, stairways and elevators.

Benefits of a Smart Parking Lot


The primary benefit of a smart parking lot is convenience. Drivers waste a lot of time looking for available parking - in fact, it is estimated that German drivers spend 41 hours on an average yearly, looking for parking spaces

Parking Rankng (Germany)
Fig: Parking Ranking (Germany), Source: INRIX

An optimized parking facility diminishes the wait time, resolves issues of overcrowding and can be used to boost business in malls and retail outlets with parking.

Real-Time Data and Insights

A smart parking system implements consistent data collection and analysis to gain access to real-time information. This information updates personnel about trends, peak times, occupancy figures and other variables that can be used for predictive purposes. 

Isarsoft Perception also allows users access to a range of related functions such as setting of alarms, exporting data into Excel and integration into leading Video Management Systems.

Reduction in Emissions

Parking spots are notoriously elusive, racking up hours of search and an equivalent amount in money. What is more concerning is the adverse effect a poorly managed parking facility could have on the environment - the more fuel that is burned whilst waiting, the greater the volume of harmful emissions released.

By employing smart tech such as Isarsoft Perception, governmental bodies can scale back on average regional emissions, the wastage of resources, and the resultant harm to the environment.

More about Isarsoft

With Isarsoft Perception, your camera systems become part of your business intelligence. Whether the goal is to increase efficiency, customer satisfaction or safety, Isarsoft Perception provides the insights needed for informed decisions.

Isarsoft Perception Dashboard
The Isarsoft Perception Dashboard

Contact us, to learn more about how to turn security cameras into intelligent sensors.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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Improve business processes with video-based business intelligence from Isarsoft.

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