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BMWi promotes development of automated passenger counting on terminals

Munich, Germany - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy promotes Isarsoft GmbH.


April 5, 2021

BMWi promotes development of automated passenger counting on terminals

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

Munich, Germany - The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is funding Isarsoft GmbH to develop a smartphone app for automatic passenger counting in public transport vehicles using AI.

In the innovation project, vehicle-specific developments are planned, such as ensuring a constant data connection and necessary development steps for use on mobile devices. The main focus will be on training an efficient neural network and a good user experience.

Compared to current solutions using sensors, the app to be developed is significantly cheaper, enables deeper analyses through the use of AI and ensures data protection through image processing directly on the device. The solution is to be offered via direct sales via app store.

The funding by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is based on a resolution of the German Bundestag.

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