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What is Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP)?

June 1, 2024

Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) is an access control communications standard developed by the Security Industry Association (SIA) to improve interoperability among access control and security products.

OSDP was approved as an international standard by the International Electrotechnical Commission in May 2020 and has been published as IEC 60839-11-5.

SIA OSDP v2.2, which is based on the IEC 60839-11-5 standard, was released in December 2020. SIA OSDP is in constant refinement to retain its industry-leading position.

Benefits of OSDP

Higher Security

  • OSDP is more secure than the most common access control communications protocol.
  • OSDP Secure Channel supports high-end AES-128 encryption (required in federal government applications).
  • OSDP constantly monitors wiring to protect against attack threats.

Advanced Functionality

  • OSDP supports advance smartcard technology applications, including PKI/FICAM and biometrics.
  • OSDP supports bi-directional communications among devices.
  • OSDP supports advanced user interface, including welcome messages and text prompts.
  • OSDP’s use of 2 wires instead of 12+ allows for multi-drop installation, supervised connections to indicate reader malfunctions, and scalability to connect more field devices.

Ease of Use

  • Audio-visual user feedback mechanisms provide a rich, user-centric access control environment.
  • Guesswork is eliminated since encryption and authentication are predefined.
  • Low cost of implementation on an embedded device.

More Interoperability

  • Using OSDP enables communication among different manufacturers' devices and solutions.
  • The standard applies to peripheral devices such as card readers and other devices at secured access doors/gates and their control panels.
  • SIA promotes the standard at regular “plugfests” among manufacturers and at SIA InteropFest– an annual interoperability event held at the ISC West trade show.
  • The OSDP specification is currently recommended when TCP/IP, USB or other common protocols do not lend themselves to the application.
  • The OSDP specification is extensible to IP environments and the OSDP Working Group is working on deploying OSDP over IP soon.
Further Referene
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