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What is a Passenger Tracking System (PTS)?

June 1, 2024
Check In Queue

A Passenger Tracking System (PTS) is a technology designed to monitor the movement of passengers within an airport. PTS typically comprise of physical devices such as WiFi routers, Stereo-Camera Sensors or Security Cameras and a PTS Software which processes the data and has a user interface.

What is a PTS used for?

PTS are typically used to monitor queue statistics such as length and waiting time. At security checkpoints in the US airports have to report wait times in real-time. PTS help airports to monitor their quality of service (QOS) and respond more quickly if suspicious activity is detected or if there are any unexpected delays or anomalies in demand. Last but not least, PTS can be used in retail, food and leisure areas within airports to understand the usage of such services and to increase customer satisfaction.

What to consider when choosing a Passenger Tracking System (PTS) ?

When choosing a Passenger Tracking System (PTS), there are several factors to consider, including:

  1. Accuracy: One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a PTS is accuracy. The system must be able to accurately track and monitor the movements of passengers in real-time.
  2. Scalability: The PTS should be scalable and able to handle large volumes of passengers during peak periods without compromising accuracy or system performance.
  3. Integration: The system should be able to integrate with existing infrastructure, such as ticketing and security systems, to provide a seamless experience for passengers and operators.
  4. Data security and privacy: The system should be designed with data security and privacy in mind, including compliance with relevant regulations and standards.
  5. Cost: The cost of the PTS should be reasonable and provide value for money, while also considering long-term maintenance and upgrade costs.
  6. User-friendliness: The system should be user-friendly and easy to use for passengers, operators, and administrators.
  7. Reliability: The system should be reliable and have a high level of uptime to ensure passenger safety and operational efficiency.
  8. Real-time reporting and analytics: The system should provide real-time reporting and analytics to enable operators to make informed decisions and improve operational efficiency.
  9. Compatibility with mobile devices: The PTS should be compatible with mobile devices to enable passengers to access information on the go.
  10. Customer support and training: The provider of the PTS should provide adequate customer support and training to ensure that operators and administrators can use the system effectively.
Further Reference
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