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What is Tailgating (Piggybacking) in Physical Security?

June 1, 2024
Access Control

Tailgating, also referred to as Piggybacking, in Physical Security is a form of unauthorized access caused by unauthorized person following a authorized person or group of authorized persons through an access control (ac).

How to prevent tailgaiting?

Preventing tailgating in access control systems is crucial for maintaining security and ensuring that only authorized individuals gain entry. Measures to prevent tailgating can include:

  1. Education and Awareness: Educate all personnel about the importance of access control and the risks associated with tailgating. Make sure everyone understands the proper procedure for accessing secure areas and the potential consequences of unauthorized access.
  2. Access Control System Design: Implement access control (AC) systems that are designed to prevent tailgating. This can include a combination of physical barriers, electronic authentication methods, and surveillance technologies.
  3. Turnstiles and Security Gates: Install turnstiles or security gates at entry points to restrict access to one person at a time. These physical barriers allow only one individual to pass through after proper authentication, preventing unauthorized individuals from following closely behind.
  4. Authentication Methods: Use multiple authentication methods to ensure proper identification of individuals. This can include key cards, biometric systems (such as fingerprint or iris scanners), PIN codes, or a combination of these methods.
  5. Two-Factor Authentication: Implement two-factor authentication to increase security. For example, in addition to a key card, users may need to enter a unique PIN or provide biometric data for access.
  6. Video Surveillance: Install video surveillance cameras at access points to monitor and record entry activities. This provides evidence in case of any security breaches and serves as a deterrent for potential tailgaters.
  7. Alarms and Alerts: Integrate alarms and alerts into the access control system to notify security personnel when tailgating is detected. These can be triggered by sensors that detect multiple individuals passing through a single access point simultaneously.
  8. Security Personnel Training: Train security personnel to be vigilant and actively monitor access points for any signs of tailgating. They should be trained to challenge and question individuals who appear suspicious or attempt to follow someone closely without authentication.
  9. Regular Audits and Reviews: Conduct regular audits of access control logs and review video footage to identify any instances of tailgating or potential vulnerabilities. Adjust security measures as needed to enhance the system's effectiveness.
  10. Continuous Improvement: Stay up-to-date with advancements in access control technology and industry best practices. Continuously evaluate and improve your access control system to address emerging threats and adapt to changing security needs.

By implementing these measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of tailgating and enhance the overall security of your access control system.

Further references:
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