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Knowledge Hub

The knowledge hub for security camera systems and video analytics.

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Actual Taxi-In Time (AXIT) is the time period between the Actual Landing Time (ALDT) and the Actual In-Block Time (AIBT). AXIT = AIBT - ALDT

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Actual Taxi-Out Time (AXOT) is the time period between the Actual Off-Block Time (AOBT) and the Actual Take Off Time (ATOT). AXOT = ATOT - AOBT

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Access Control


Access control is an essential security strategy that organizations can implement to prevent security breaches.

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Action Recognition

Physical Security
Physical Security

Action recognition identifies human actions in video data by analyzing and interpreting image sequences.

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Active Traffic Management (ATM)


Active Traffic Management (ATM) includes a broad range of strategies for managing traffic dynamically based on current or expected conditions in order to improve the efficiency and safety of the transportation system.

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Age and Gender Detection

Video Analytics
Video Analytics

Age and Gender Detection in Video Analytics is a function that automatically estimates age and gender of a person from an image, video or video stream.

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Air Traffic Control (ATC)


Air traffic control (ATC) is a service that is responsible from the safe and efficient movement of aircraft both on the ground and in the air.

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Air Traffic Controller (ATCs)


Air traffic control specialists (ATCs) are responsible for ensuring the safe, orderly, and efficient movement of air traffic within the global air traffic control system.

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Air Traffic Management (ATM)


Air Traffic Management (ATM) is an umbrella term used in the aviation industry. It encompasses systems that assist aircrafts to depart from and land at aerodromes and transit airspaces.

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Analog Security Camera

Physical Security
Physical Security

Analog Security Cameras transmit the video feed via a coaxial cable. A digital video recorder (DVR) converts the analog signal to a digital signal and stores it on the hard drive.

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Anchor Tenant


An anchor tenant, also referred to as an anchor store or key tenant, is a significantly larger tenant in a mall, often a department store or chain of retail stores. They are usually found at the ends of shopping malls.

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Anomaly Detection

Video Analytics
Video Analytics

Anomaly detection involves the identification of events, behaviors, or objects that deviate significantly from the norm or expected patterns. In the context of video analytics, it aims to identify abnormal activities captured by security cameras.

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Anonymous People Counter

Video Analytics
Video Analytics

An anonymous people counter counts people in real time, without making use of any graphical or video data. This ensures anonymity, and protects the privacy of the detected objects identified as people.

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Apron or Ramp is a designated area of an airport where aircraft are parked, unloaded, loaded, refueled, and boarded by passengers. The apron is typically located adjacent to the terminal building.

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Average Transaction Value (ATV)


Average Transaction Value (ATV) refers to the average amount a consumer spends on a single purchase.

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Axle Counter


An axle counter in the context of road traffic systems is a sensor device used to monitor vehicle traffic on roads and highways.

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Video Analytics
Video Analytics

Business Intelligence (BI) is a process of analyzing data and presenting actionable information that helps executives, managers and employees within organizations to make informed business decisions.

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Background Change Detection

Video Analytics
Video Analytics

Background Change Detection in Video Analytics is a function which detects the change of background of a video or video stream over time. A background change can be triggered by a change in perspective, constructions or a broken camera.

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Bandwidth is the maximum data rate of available information capacity on a physical communication link. Bandwidth is equivalent to the maximum available bitrate and usually measured in megabits per second (Mbps).

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Bicycle Counter


A Bicycle Counter is a device installed at roads to measure bicycle traffic. Bicycle Counters can be realized with different technologies such as radar, lidar or security cameras.

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Bitrate is the number of bits that are transmitted or processed over time.

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Block Time


The Block Time is the time of a flight measured from the start of movement ("off-block") to the end of movement ("in-block"). It includes taxi-out time, flight-time and tax-in time.

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Bullet Camera

Physical Security
Physical Security

A bullet camera is a security camera with a cylindrical shape.

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Bus Lane Enforcement


Bus lane enforcement refers to the measures and systems put in place to regulate and ensure compliance with traffic rules and regulations in bus lanes.

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Constant Bitrate (CBR) as opposed to variable bitrate (VBR) keeps the bitrate of a signal during compression constant independent of the signal complexity. As a result the quality of the result can vary.

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